Signal-flow graph

A signal-flow graph (SFG) is a special type of block diagram[1]—and directed graph—consisting of nodes and branches. Its nodes are the variables of a set of linear algebraic relations. An SFG can only represent multiplications and additions. Multiplications are represented by the weights of the branches; additions are represented by multiple branches going into one node. A signal-flow graph has a one-to-one relationship with a system of linear equations.[2] In addition to this, it can also be used to represent the signal flow in a physical system; i.e., it can represent relations of cause and effect.


Example 1: Simple amplifier

The amplification of a signal V1 by an amplifier with gain a12 is described mathematically by

V_2 = a_{12}V_1 \,.

This relationship represented by the signal-flow graph of Figure 1. is that V2 is dependent on V1 but it implies no dependency of V1 on V2. See Kou page 57[3].

Example 2: Two-port network

In electrical circuits, two equations describing a two-port network in admittance matrix form,

 \begin{bmatrix} I_1 \\ I_2 \end{bmatrix} = \begin{bmatrix} y_{11} & y_{12} \\ y_{21} & y_{22} \end{bmatrix} \begin{bmatrix} V_1 \\ V_2 \end{bmatrix}

can be drawn as the SFG shown in Figure 2. This signal-flow graph describes causality properly if and only if V1 and V2 are designated as inputs. If any other designation of inputs is made then the SFG is either incomplete or invalid.

Example 2a: Circuit containing a two-port network

The figure to the right depicts a circuit that contains a two-port network. Vin is the input of the circuit and V2 is the output. The two-port equations impose a set of linear constraints between its port voltages and currents. The terminal equations impose other constraints. All these constraints are represented in the SFG (Signal Flow Graph) below the circuit. There is only one path from input to output which is shown in a different color and has a gain of -RLy21. There are also three loops: -Riny11, -RLy22, RinRLy12y21. Sometimes a loop indicates intentional feedback but it can also indicate a constraint on the relationship of two variables. For example, the equation that describes a resister says that the ratio of the voltage across the resister to the current through the resister is a constant which is called the resistance. This can be interpreted as the voltage is the input and the current is the output, or the current is the input and the voltage is the output, or merely that the voltage and current have a linear relationship. Virtually all passive two terminal devices in a circuit will show up in the SFG as a loop.

The SFG and the schematic depict the same circuit, but the schematic also suggests the circuit's purpose. Compared to the schematic, the SFG is awkward but it does have the advantage that the input to output gain can be written down by inspection using Mason's rule.

Example 3 Asymptotic gain formula

A possible SFG for the asymptotic gain model for a negative feedback amplifier is shown in Figure 3, and leads to the equation for the gain of this amplifier as
G = \frac {y_2}{x_1}  = G_{\infty} \left( \frac{T}{T %2B 1} \right) %2B G_0 \left( \frac{1}{T %2B 1} \right) \ .
The interpretation of the parameters is as follows: T = return ratio, G = direct amplifier gain, G0 = feedforward (indicating the possible bilateral nature of the feedback, possibly deliberate as in the case of feedforward compensation). Figure 3 has the interesting aspect that it resembles Figure 2 for the two-port network with the addition of the extra feedback relation x2 = T y1.
From this gain expression an interpretation of the parameters G0 and G is evident, namely:
G_{\infty} = \lim_{T \to \infty }G\�; \ G_{0} = \lim_{T \to 0 }G \ .
There are many possible SFG's associated with any particular gain relation. Figure 4 shows another SFG for the asymptotic gain model that can be easier to interpret in terms of a circuit. In this graph, parameter β is interpreted as a feedback factor and A as a "control parameter", possibly related to a dependent source in the circuit. Using this graph, the gain is
G = \frac {y_2}{x_1}  = G_{0} %2B  \frac {A} {1 - \beta A} \ .
To connect to the asymptotic gain model, parameters A and β cannot be arbitrary circuit parameters, but must relate to the return ratio T by:
 T = - \beta A \ ,
and to the asymptotic gain as:
 G_{\infty} = \lim_{T \to \infty }G = G_0 - \frac {1} {\beta} \ .
Substituting these results into the gain expression,
G =  G_{0} %2B \frac {1} {\beta} \frac {-T} {1 %2BT}
 = G_0 %2B (G_0 - G_{\infty} ) \frac {-T} {1 %2BT}
 = G_{\infty} \frac {T} {1 %2BT} %2B G_0 \frac {1}{1%2BT}  \ ,
which is the formula of the asymptotic gain model.

Signal flow graphs are used in many different subject areas besides control and network theory, for example, stochastic signal processing.[4]

Example 4: Position servo with multi-loop feedback

This example is representative of a SFG (signal-flow graph) used to represent a servo control system and illustrates several features of SFGs. Some of the loops (loop 3, loop 4 and loop 5) are extrinsic intentionally designed feedback loops. These are shown with dotted lines. There are also intrinsic loops (loop 0, loop1, loop2) that are not intentional feedback loops, although they can be analyzed as though they were. These loops are shown with solid lines. Loop 3 and loop 4 are also known as minor loops because they are inside a larger loop.

see Mason's rule for development of Mason's Gain Formula for this example.

See also


  1. ^ DiStephano, J. J., Stubberud, A. R., & Williams, I. J. (1995). Schaum's outline of theory and problems of feedback and control systems (Second Edition ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill Professional. p. §8.8 pp. 187–189. ISBN 0070170525.,M1. 
  2. ^ Chen, Wai-kai (1967). "On Flow Graph Solutions of Linear Algebraic Equations". SIAM Journal on Applied Mathematics (Society for Industrial and Applied Mathematics) 15 (1): 136–142. ISSN 00361399. 
  3. ^ Kou (1967, p. 57)
  4. ^ Barry, J. R., Lee, E. A., Messerschmitt, D. G., & Lee, E. A. (2004). Digital communication (Third Edition ed.). New York: Springer. p. 86. ISBN 0792375483.,M1. 


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